What to Expect

What to Expect

While life at Northminster Presbyterian Church throughout the week is often busy with activities, the most important part of our week is Sunday worship at 10:30 a.m. The worship of God is a joyous gift for us. If you are worshiping with us for the first time, we welcome you and want you to know what you can expect. So, whether you’re new to Christian worship, or just new to our particular congregation, here is some information for you.

A Warm Welcome to All

Everyone is welcome to attend our worship service. It doesn’t matter if you are a life-long Christian, are of another faith, or if you’ve simply never been to church before. You will be greeted warmly and welcomed sincerely. We are happy you have joined us and we look forward to offering you hospitality. 
When you arrive at the church you will find plenty of parking. Handicap and Visitor parking places are marked by signs.  Once inside, our ushers will be happy to answer to any questions you might have.  Feel free to sit anywhere in the Sanctuary. 

Music and Singing

We are truly a congregation that loves music and we are blessed with many talents in our music ministry.
When we sing as a congregation, we appreciate and like to incorporate musical gifts from the many different traditions and cultures within Christianity. On any given Sunday, we might sing some traditional church hymns like “A Mighty Fortress is Our God” or “Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee,” an old gospel hymn like “Amazing Grace” or “Blessed Assurance,” an African song like “Hallelujah! We Sing Your Praises!” or “Siyahamba,” a modern folk-liturgical piece like “Here I Am Lord” or “Shout to the Lord,” or a chant from the Taize community like “Lord, Hear Our Prayer” or “Bless the Lord, My Soul.”


On the first Sunday of each month, and on some additional special occasions, we celebrate the sacrament of Holy Communion (also known by some Christians as “the Lord’s Supper” or “the Eucharist”). Everyone who accepts Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior is welcome to participate. The sacrament is open to all.
If you’re not comfortable or feel that you don’t understand the sacrament well enough to participate, just stay in your seat and don’t worry. No one will pressure you to take part. But, if you do want to take part but don’t know what to do, our pastor will give brief instructions, or you can just do what the people seated around you are doing.

The Offering

The offering is an act of worship and thanksgiving for Christians. It is an action of our belief that everything we have comes from God. It is also an act of generosity. Offerings support the ministry of our church and various outreach and mission programs locally, across the United States and throughout the world. During worship an offering plate is passed down the pews. Visitors are not expected to participate in the offering, and it is perfectly acceptable for you to let the offering plate pass you by. But you are certainly welcome to contribute. 

Getting to know us

Immediately following the worship services we gather in the Family Room for fellowship and refreshments. If you’re a newcomer, please feel free to stay and join us.


We are always delighted to welcome children into our worship and children of all ages are welcome to stay with their families throughout the whole of the worship service. Most children are in worship for the first part of the service. About 15 minutes into the service, they are dismissed to Children’s Church. There are volunteers to help the children find their way to a class.
For the very young among us, we have childcare available in the church nursery. In addition, the Family Room makes a great quiet space for parents and children if you need to leave the sanctuary during the service (but a space where you can still see and hear what’s going on in the sanctuary).